8 Juli 2021

The programmes in the German recovery and resilience plan (GRRP / Deutscher Aufbau- und Resili-enzplan) dedicated to the digitization are providing a budget of approximately 13.3 billion euros offered as grants and divided into shorter or longer available calls and IPCEIs (Important programmes of common European interest), which generally have a very short period of expression of interest, the basis of an application. The minimum quota for investment in digitization of 20%, which is set by the EU, is massively overachieved with a quota of 52% and is spanning into many programmes.

The second and third focal points of the DARP are explicitly dedicated to digitalization. In addition, 2 of the 3 IPCEIs of the DARP are located in the area of digitization. Currently, the new IPCEI (Next Gene-ration of Cloud Infrastructure and Services – IPCEI-CIS) is in preparation and its expression of interest procedure will start in the next few days (beginning of July). It can be seen as a sign of importance for this issue, that the word digitalization is mentioned 685 times in the DARP.

What is the DARP’s objective for the digitalization sector?

The GRRP has the following goals regarding digitalisation:

  • Emerge stronger from the crisis
  • Europe must achieve a leap in development in the area of digitalization / Promotion of data-driven innovations
  • Provision and responsible use of data
  • Promoting European digital sovereignty in data processing
  • Sovereign and highly scalable edge cloud infrastructure in Europe
  • Infrastructure based on Europe-wide distributed, highly innovative, and real-time capable structures, at the same time highly efficient and energy-saving
  • Strengthening the resilience of critical value chains in the EU
  • Opportunities and potential digitization for individuals and society
  • Opening up equitable educational opportunities regardless of parental home and background
  • Supporting the future labour market’s success to all young people
  • Preparing the workforce for the digital transformation
  • actively supporting structural change
  • increasing social and territorial convergence
  • digital, and technical strengthening of the Public Health Service
  • Strengthening and accelerating the expansion of the municipal education infrastructure in the area of information and communication technology.

Are there currently any open calls?

Several open calls are available since the beginning of 2021. Some calls are already closed. Below, you can find the most importantly open and closed calls regarding digitalization:

ComponentInvestment/ReformBudget (M€)Start date of the callDeadline
2.1 Data as the raw material of the future2.1.1 Innovative data policy for Germany516Q4/2022Q4/2022
2.1.2 IPCEI microelectronics and communication technologies1.50001/02/2021Closed
2.1.3 IPCEI next generation of Cloud Infrastructure & -services (IPCEI-CIS)750July30/08/2021
2.2 Digitalisation of the economy2.2.1 Investment progr. for vehicle manufacturers/supplier industry1.898Q1/202131/12/2021
3.1 Digitalisation of education3.1.1 Teacher devices50028/01/202131/12/2021
3.1.2 Education platform63003/05/2021Closed
3.1.3 Educational centres of excellence205Q4/2024Q4/2026
3.1.4 Modernisation of the Bundeswehr’s (german armed forces) educational and training facilities100Q1/2023
4.1 Strength. of social inclusion4.1.5 Digital pensions overview3418/02/2021Q4/2023
5.1 Strength. of a pandemic-resili-ent healthcare system5.1.1 Strengthening the digital and technical resources of the public health service813Q2/202131/08/2026
5.1.2 Progr. to future-proof hospitals300028/10/202031/12/2021
6.1Modern public administration6.1.1 European identity eco-system200Q1/2021Q4/2024

6.1.2 Digitalis. of administr. – implementation of Online Access Act30001/09/202021/12/2022

6.1.3 Digitalisation of administration – implementation of the modernisation of registers (Register Modernisation Act (Registermodernisierungsgesetz, RegMoG)27406/04/202131/12/2027

In which projects/Circumstances are they integrated?

These open/closed calls are part of the German recovery and resilience plan (GRRP/DARP) and are located and under the rule of following :

  • COVID -19 grants: capped subsidies to 1.8M€ per company
  • De minimis rule (de minimis ceiling / de minimis aid)
  • GBER (General block exemption Regulation)
  • GRRP / DARP as part of NGEU (Next generation EU and its RRF – Recovery and Resilience Facility): european grant

What are the impacts for Germany?

According to the Approval of the Commission, the components support addressing the Country Specific Recommendations on investments:

  • In the digital transition
  • on education
  • on improving educational outcomes and skills levels of disadvantaged groups
  • in focusing investment-related economic policy
  • on education
  • on shifting away taxes from labour
  • on reducing disincentives to work more hours
  • on taking measures to safeguard the long-term sustainability of the pension system while maintaining adequacy of the pension level at the same time
  • in strengthening the resilience of the healthcare system, including by deploying e-health services
  • on improving digital public services across all levels

At the same time, it isn’t expected that any measure in the DARP does significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, taking into account the description of the measures and the mitigating steps set out in the recovery and resilience plan in accordance with the DNSH Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).

For the DARP as a whole, the European Commission published with its endorsement the following ratings:

SectorDescriptionAfter En-dorsement
Balanced response contributing to the six pillarsRating in which the GRRP represents a comprehensive and adequately balanced response to the economic and social situation„A“
(to a large extent)
Addressing all or a significant subset of challenges identified in Country Specific
GRRP is expected to contribute to effectively addressing all or a significant subset of challenges identified in the relevant country-specific recommendations,„A“
Contribution to growth potential, job creation and economic, social and institutional
GRRP is expected to have impact on strengthening the growth potential, job creation, and economic, social
and institutional resilience of German
(high impact)
Do no significant harmGRRP is expected to ensure that no measure for the implementa-tion of reforms and investments projects included in GRRP does signif. harm to envir. objectives„A“
Contribution to the green transition including biodiversityGRRP contains measures that con-tribute to the gr. trans., including biodiversity, or to addressing the challenges resulting therefrom„A“
(to a large extent)
Contribution to the digital transitionGRRP contains measures that con-tr. to the dig. trans. or to addres-sing the chall. resulting therefrom„A“
(to a large extent)
Lasting impactGRRP is expected to have a lasting impact on Germany„A“
(to a large extent)
Monitoring and implementationthe arrangements proposed in GRRP are adequate to ensure effective monitoring and implementation of the
recovery and resilience plan
„A“ (adequate)
Costingthe justification provided in the plan on the amount of the estimated
total costs of GRRP is
reasonable and plausible
(to a medium extent)
Protection of financial intereststhe arrangements proposed in GRRP are adequate to prevent, detect and correct corruption, fraud and conflicts of interests„A“ (adequate)
Coherence of the planGRRP includes measures for the
implementation of reforms and pub. Investm. projects that represent coherent actions
(to a high extent)

What are the references/links to the pillars/ flagships OF the RRF?

The pillars are:

  1. Ecological transition
  2. Digital transformation
  3. Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
  4. Social and territorial cohesion
  5. Health and economic, social and institutional resilience
  6. Action for the next generation, children and youth
2: Digitalisation of economy and infrastructure
2.1. Data as the raw material of the futurexxxx
2.2. Digitalisation of the economyxxxx
3: Digitalisation of education
3.1. Digitalisation of educationxxxx
4: Strengthening of social inclusion
4.1. Strengthening of social inclusionxxxx
5: Strengthening of a pandemic-resilient healthcare system
5.1. Strengthening of a pandemic-resilient healthcare systemxx
6: Modern public administration and reducing barriers to investment
6.1. Modern public administrationxxx

The flagships are:

  1. Power up
  2. Renovate
  3. Recharge and Refuel
  4. Connect
  5. Modernise
  6. Scale-up
  7. Reskill and upskill
2.1 Data as the raw material of the future
2.1.1 Innovative data policy for Germanyx
2.1.2 IPCEI microelectronics and communication technologiesxxx
2.1.3 IPCEI next generation of Cloud Infrastructure & -services (IPCEI-CIS)xxx
2.2 Digitalisation of the economy
2.2.1 Investment progr. for vehicle manufacturers/supplier industryx
3.1 Digitalisation of education
3.1.1 Teacher devicesxx
3.1.2 Education platformx
3.1.3 Educational centres of excellencex
3.1.4 Modernisation of the Bundeswehr’s (german armed forces) educational and training facilitiesxx
4.1 Strengthening of social inclusion
4.1.5 Digital pensions overviewx
5.1 Strengthening of a pandemic-resilient healthcare system
5.1.1 Strengthening the digital and technical resources of the public health servicex
5.1.2 Progr. to future-proof hospitalsx
6.1 Modern public administration
6.1.1 European identity eco-systemx
6.1.2 Digitalis. of administr. – implementation of Online Access Actxx
6.1.3 Digitalisation of administration – implementation of the modernisation of registers (Register Modernisation Act (Registermodernisierungsgesetz, RegMoG)x
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